Friday, March 20, 2009


It is my favorite sport to play, but I also like to watch it... in March. I don't know what it is, but I'm not a huge fan of the regular season like I am with football and baseball. However, yesterday Clemson reminded me of one reason why I like to watch basketball: the full-court press. This type of defense makes the game intense, and you have to respect the tenacity and conditioning of teams that use it. You also have to respect the flailing arms of the tallest and most gangly dude on the court in the face of the poor guy trying to inbound the ball. At one time in my life, I watched Iowa basketball a lot with my grandpa and dad, and I loved it when those Iowa teams from the late eighties and early nineties pressed opponents into submission. It had to have been a Tom Davis thing. I'm not an Iowa fan now, but I think Davis was a great coach.